Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame

On August 16-17 (after dropping Tim off at Purdue University), Mike and Nancy drove to South Bend, IN for some rest and relaxation. On Saturday night, we enjoyed a delicious dinner of Italian cuisine. Of course, one cannot be in South Bend without visiting the University of Notre Dame. Highlights of our time at ND included attending Sunday mass at the basilica, seeing all of the new buildings that didn't exist back when Mike was a student, and walking on the football field turf practice field. Mike refuses to say which experience was "holiest"...

1 comment:

Julius Family said...

Well, Mike... it is hard to decide which would be more of an experience also... when I ran in the ND marathon, the finish line was on the 50 yard line of the football field... it was an awesome experience.. I cried when I saw touchdown Jesus at mile 20 and ran a personal best marathon to get to the ND campus! Go Irish!